Thursday 9 October 2014

Make Baby Bathing and Diaper Changing an Easy Task

Many parents face challenges while baby bathing and while changing their baby's diaper. Kids are reluctant to get either of these done and create a difficult situation for parents, specially first time parents. Here are a few tips that can make your work a little easy.

  • The skin of a baby is fragile and needs care. Always massage your baby's body with a good baby oil. If it is difficult for you to step out and make a purchase, you can buy a good quality baby oil online. Himalaya, Avent, Baby Magic and Pigeon are some of the trusted names in the market.
  • Before bathing the baby, make sure you check the temperature of the water. The water should neither be too cold nor too warm. Lukewarm water is ideal for a baby.
  • To make the bathing procedure fun for the baby, consider using baby bathing accessories. Various colorful and interesting bathing accessories are available in the market. This keeps the child distracted while you easily apply soap and shampoo to the baby.
  • Do not keep the baby in the water for too long. This might irritate some babies and they might be absolutely reluctant to go for the bathing session the next time.
  • Keep the air conditioner and fan off when you immediately get the baby back from the bath. Also, quickly cover up the baby with a soft towel so that he/she does not catch a cold. To keep the baby fragrant, use a branded powder for baby.

Diaper Changing:
  • The first thing that should be considered while buying a diaper is that the diaper should be soft and of a trusted brand. Poor quality diaper can cause rashes to your baby. If you are thinking that a good quality diaper will cost you too much, then you are wrong! You can opt for cheap baby diapers online. You can buy baby diapers online in India. Some of the trusted names are Pampers, Mamy Poko Pants, Nuby, Pigeon and Evy Baby, to name but a few.
  • It is very important to change the diaper quickly because keeping the baby calm and in one stable position for too long is a challenging task. To ensure that the process of changing the diaper is done quickly, make sure that all the things that you would be needing are in proximity. Things like diaper, wipes, wash cloth and diaper rash cream should be easily accessible. 
  • To distract the baby, you can hand over his favourite toy to him. This will keep him occupied and in the meantime, you can quickly change the diaper.
  • Once done, make sure you sprinkle some baby powder to keep him fresh and fragrant. Parents who do not have enough time to go and shop, can buy baby powder online.

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, Elisa! Two tasks that could fear young mothers would be bathing and changing diapers of young infants. Making use of the best quality baby bath products and premium quality diapers cannot do any harm to your little angel. Make sure the products that you use are genuine!
